Quantitative Fluid Analysis (QFA) is available at CNH. QFA is a method of determining which body systems need to be supported in order for the body to maintain or regain optimum health. QFA testing provides an opportunity for

clients to become educated about the food they put in their body and the results it has on their health.

Blood CellsDarkfield Microscopy gives you an instant, clear, graphic picture of your current nutritional status, and indicates the need for specific nutrients to support strengthen and rebuild weakened organs and systems.This analysis has grown out

of more than 30 years of research and case studies.



InfraRed Sauna treatments are available on site to aid in detoxification of the body, pain reduction and the healing

process for diseases of the skin, muscles and bones.


Energy Spa treatments (commonly referred to by us as foot baths) are available on site to aid in rejuvenation of the body.

     Are you tired of feeling T-I-R-E-D? Recharge your body's battery!!!

     Here at Christian Natural Health, we utilize the latest and best technology. The B.E.S.T.™ (Bio-Electric Stimulating Technique) unit is an alternative health device that may help your body strengthen and balance itself! The B.E.S.T.™ unit works through the most basic and plentiful substance in your body, water. The human body is approximately 70% water. Water is an excellent conductor of electricity. The human body functions off magnetic signals. Similar to a car battery that charges a car...the human body greatly benefits from being charged. The B.E.S.T.™ unit may Energize Cells, may balance and strengthen the body to eliminate, and may increase your overall sense of health and well-being. Several energy spa users have even testified to increase in the potency and effectiveness of supplements when using the spa!

     People who have experienced B.E.S.T.™ foot baths report amazing results! They claim B.E.S.T.™ has helped with the following health challenges: reduced joint pain (arthritic aches and pains), incontinence/constipation, insomnia, headaches, muscular injuries, fatigue, increased energy and vitality, detoxification, acidosis, menstrual problems, menopausal problems, fluid retention, quicker healing/recovery time, fungus (Candidiasis), improved liver function, improved kidney function, improved circulation, improved mental clarity, improved concentration, bi-polar, ADD/ADHD, depression.

Lymph Drainage Therapy (LDT) is a very light hands on technique used to enhance the stimulation of the lymphatic system. The specially trained therapist uses a gentle, rhythmic touch to create wave like movements in a specific pattern. This technique encourages the lymph flow and helps to create alternative paths around blocked areas into more centrally located lymph vessels. This allows for eventual drainage into the blood stream. LDT also stimulates the immune system and the parasympathetic nervous system. Most clients find the therapy very relaxing. An appointment for treating edema (swelling) can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the client's condition.


bodygem measures your metabolic fingerprint in caloriesYour Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) is as unique as your fingerprint is. Knowing your RMR allows you to know how many calories you need to meet your goals and personalize a program tailored to your body’s needs. Have you ever been on a program (doing great) then hit a plateau, gotten frustrated and lost all motivation? Changes in your metabolism as your body changes cause this type of plateau, whether those changes are from losing weight, gaining muscle mass or aging.

Keeping tabs on your Metabolic Fingerprint is essential to avoiding those frustrating plateaus and to seeing results that keep you motivated to go on. We recommend you re-measure every 4-6 weeks if you are on a weight loss plan, and every few months if you are on a maintenance plan.


Light Touch Therapy is a non-invasive light touch treatment that helps open up the communication channels in the back with other parts of the body.  Based upon a correlation between stress, body balance and the high incidences of sickness, the Light Touch Treatment addresses this correlation by developing a procedure which analyzes body distortion.  It then applies a light touch technique in order to relax and repolarize the muscles, thus permitting a normalization of the whole body's structure with a view in mind of reversing the high incidences of sickness and disease.  The Light Touch Thechnique is truly a method to maintain homeostasis and provide for good natural health.



Holding HandsEducational Nutritional Assessment

One of our trained professionals will sit down with you to discuss your diet and recommend lifestyle changes that will lead you to better health.




Initial Physical Therapy Evaluation.........................................................$160*

Initial Consultation with QFA testing.....................................................$160*


Initial Consultation with Darkfield testing..............................................$160*

Initial Consultation with QFA & Darkfield testing...................................$200*

Follow-up Consultation with QFA testing.................................................$65

Follow-up Consultation with Darkfield testing....... ..................................$65

Follow-up Consultation with QFA & Darkfield testing.............................. $100

Nutritional Consultation...........................................................................$50

B.E.S.T. Energy Foot Spa..........................................................................$40


      Series of 6..........................................................................................$200

Additional family members.............................................50% off any service**

Senior Citizens.............................................................50% off any service***

Resting Metabolic Rate testing.................................................................$35


Light Touch Therapy


       15-20min session..............................................................................$50

       1-hour session...................................................................................$75


Ear Candling                       


       One Ear..............................................................................................$20

       Two Ears............................................................................................$35


FAR-Infrared Sauna..............................................................................$1/Minute  

       *******Package Deals Available*******    


*Price Includes Initial Consultation and Free Follow-up Consultation

**Family members must be seen on the same day

***Not valid with any other offer


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427-429 Exchange Street, Geneva, NY 14456 • (315) 781-5114 • www.ChristianNaturalHealth.com
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