
Couple and sunset"Last year I had finally come to the end of my rope with how I looked and felt.  I was only in  my early fifties but I felt like I was ninety!  Every inch of me hurt.  I thought for sure I had some terminal illness.  I was exhausted but I couldn't sleep and when I did sleep I couldn't get enough sleep.  I saw my MD and we ran some tests and there was nothing wrong with me.  Just incrediable, there's nothing wrong with me and yet I felt like I was dying.  I could hardly get out of bed in the morning.  My mind was fuzzy and now I couldn't think clearly anymore.  I was very bloated and so uncomfortable, and the endless pain all over.  I quit being myself.  I was becoming emotionally ill from this.  I tried exercising and changing my diet with little result.  I was in big trouble and didn't know what I was going to do.  Finally I noticed a couple of women at church  who had been very ill were having dramatic changes in their health.  They told me they were seeing Robin Helstrom at Christian Natural Health.  I could definatley see how much better they were getting.  Well, I made my appointment with Robin and started a detox program with her.  I didn't notice much the first month, but by the second month I was beginning to feel better, and each month thereafter I felt better and better!  I knew God had directed me to the right place. A year later I must say I'm feeling like myself again.  I'm more  comfortable. With exercise and a change in my diet.  I've lost 25 pounds weight and I have clear thinking.  I feel friendly towards people again and am gaining my confidence back.  I love my Nature's Sunshine products, they're high quality and immensly helpful for detoxing and rebuilding at the cellular level.  I'm very grateful for the way I'm feeling today." - Brenda


  "I have been battling depression for a while now - I've been taking anti-depressants for about 3 years.  Last year about this time ( fall )I decided I needed a change - my weight was out of my control and I was feeling like I was falling back in "the hole".  I was switched to Wellburtin ( a terrible transition and a story for another day )  I thought I was on my way. 

  My sister-in-law gave us girls in the family a jar of "homeopathic bath salts" for Christmas gifts.  Inspired by Robin's recipe, she thought she'd pass it on.  Louise gave me Robin's number after chatting some about the wonderful results she was experiencing.  My husband and I met with Robin reviewed what we needed to get us started and we were on our way. 

  When I met with Robin in January of 2006, I was 145 pounds, sad, "foggy", tired and looking for help.  I did the Tiao He Cleanse and after completing it, had a little more energy.  My goals were to lose weight and eventually get off anti-depressants.  So, in addition to using Nature's Sunshine products, switching to mostly organic food, drinking 70 ounces (ugh!) of water per day and beginning a running / walking routine, I began to see the results.  By July, I had lost 20 pounds, felt wonderful!  I woke up at 5 AM for a 3 mile run (unheard of for this non-morning person )  and did I say I felt wonderful!?  I truly was a different person - I was beginning to feel like "me"!  It's now September, I've maintained my weight, have run in several 5K races this summer and have begun tapering my Wellburtin. I look forward to not depending on them. 

  I have learned so much about being healthy through Christian Natural Health and Nature's Sunshine products.  I've done lots of research and feel like I finally have a handle on what makes me "tick"  It's amazing what I didn't know. It's a blesssing what I do now know!  God is good!" - Deanna Bagley


Dear Robin,

  I would feel remiss if I did not take this opportunity to thank you for what you did in July of 2003 to evaluate the serious condition of both of my feet and my swollen lower right leg which were covered with open sores, ruptured skin and reddened/blackened skin areas.  You immediately developed a health regimen that reversed the diabetic effect on all areas, saving my feet and lower right leg from probable amputation due to lack of proper diagnosis of my previous doctor and a lack of anti-biotic prescription medicine to cure the problems which had reached a state of near disaster.

  Your regimen, within a short period of time, according to my doctor ( who examined me Sept. of the same year ) saved my feet and lower right leg.  He credited your health regimen, which you based on a thorough examination of my extremities and an analysis of saliva and urine samples, to be the right "medicine" for my needs.  It was a miracle!

  Thank you for what you did to make it possible for me to walk as a normal person and need not worry about losing my feet and lower right leg.

- Most Sincerely,  Dr. Thomas A. Green


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